Darren Meade - How to increase any dimension in your life by 30% in only 1 month

If you improve your health only 1% each day for the next 30 days, you will see a 30% increase in that dimension of your life in only 1 month. Same for every other area of your life, from your relationships to your career. Doesn't seem to scary now, does it? Darren M. Meade Can you make those little improvements in the areas most in need of improvement? Absolutely. LIVE FULLY NOW Too many human beings postpone living. We say that we will live our best lives when we have more time or when we finish the pressing projects that are consuming us. We tell those around us that we will be more loving and passionate when things slow down. We promise ourselves that we will get into world-class physical condition and eat healthier food when we have a little bit more time. Yet, deep within us, each one of us knows that there will never be a better time to live our biggest life than right now! Too many people believe that playing their best game as a human being...